Sunday, September 28, 2008

わたしの しゅうまつ

きんようびの さんじごろ へやに かえりました。そして ジョギングを しました。でも JACCで pep rallyに しませんでした。DBRTで Wantedを はちじはんに みました。えーと。。。いちじはんごろ ねました。きのうの じゅうじごろ おきました。Duncanで しゅくだいを しました。そして、 スタジアムで フットボールを みました。ソウスダイニングハルで ばんごはんを たべました。BPで Enemy at the Gatesを みました。きょのあさ、じゅうじに きょうかいに いきました。あさごはんを たべました。Domer Doggy Walkで いぬを いきました。いぬわ かわいいですね!こんばん、としょかんで にほんごと ぶんがく しゅくだいを します。そして ほんを よみます。そして、 しゃわを あびます。

haha, my weekend was pretty boring, but I guess low-key weekends are good sometimes. And I had a good time petting dogs today on south quad, so it wasn't a complete waste. :P

Sunday, September 21, 2008

わたしの にち!

まいあさ、きゅじごろ おきます。シヤワーを あびます。あさごはんを たべません。きゅうじはんに じゅぎょうに いきます。じゅういちじはんごろ ソウスダイニングハル(south dining hall)で ひるごはんを たべます。ひる じゅぎょうが あります。にじよんじゅうごふんに へやに かえります。へやで しゅくだいを します と べんきょうします。ろくじごろ ばんごはんを たべます。にちようびと かようびと もくようび としょかんで かせげる。ときどき テレビを みません。たいてい いちじに ねます。ときどき しゅうまつ もって ともだちえいがを みます。

haha, I don't even want to know how much of this is wrong, but it took me a while to type so I'm going to leave it at that. I'm definitely anxious to learn more though, there was a lot I wanted to add that I just didn't know how to say (and was afraid of abusing, heh).

Monday, September 15, 2008

First Post?!


Hey everyone,

I’ve always been interested in Asian culture because of my half-Chinese heritage- probably the highlight of kindergarten through third grade was my mom’s Chinese New Year puppet shows using Sesame Street characters. My family has been in the US for long enough though that being Chinese was never an important part of my life…which is probably why I’m choosing to take Japanese over Chinese. -__-;

So embarrassingly enough it was Yu-Gi-Oh! that got me into Japanese culture (I have nothing to say about this other than that you have no idea how incredibly addicting that show is), though cartoons were and still are more or less the only shows that I watch on TV. From there I branched out into Hayao Miyazaki and his amazing amazing movies. I’m slightly ashamed to say that the first one I saw was Howl’s Moving Castle, but I was absolutely hooked on Miyazaki’s movies from that day on. Since then I’ve watched quite a few anime series, a couple of dramas, and have become addicted to Japanese pop and rock music—though really, I love listening to any kind of foreign music. Gradually this interest in pop culture led me to want to learn as much about Japanese culture and history as possible.

The class is going pretty smoothly for me so far, though my biggest challenge is in reading and comprehension, my brain kind of just shuts down when it sees long strings of hiragana. Anyway, I’m really excited to be (finally!) learning the language!
