- My last Chunichi Dragons/Nagoya Grampus games - It might just the Japanese twists on baseball games, but I've come to love the sport a lot more than I thought possible. (Maybe it helps that the Dragons actually win games?? Sorry Mets!) And nothing makes me more excited than riding the Dragons-decorated subway! I've also seen the Grampus lose twice now, but again, the crowd atmosphere always makes up for it!
-Discovery and abuse of purikura - what's not to love about taking ridiculous pictures and slapping on a ton of sparkles and random adorable animals?
-Scoring over 100 in bowling for the first time ever! (shh, I know this is a very Japanese experience :P)
-Two visits to the sento (bathhouse) - definitely one of my new favorite activities, it is a shame I didn't discover it earlier. Nothing makes me feel more Japanese than soaking in a hot bath for 2+ hours. Well, more like 10 baths - there are indoor and outdoor, cool and hot options, and even one that runs electric pulses through you (a bit creepy and sometimes quite painful). The lack of clothes threw me for a little loop at first but once you get used to it there is nothing as relaxing as soaking in an outdoor bath with a soft rain falling.
-KABUKI! I had more or less given up on this one but Aaren's host mom gave him tickets to a performance today! The Japanese was more or less impossible to understand but it was really neat to watch, especially because all the actors were male, including the ones playing the lead female roles.
I have a few regrets, but I wouldn't trade my experience for anything. Besides, my sad lack of Japanese friends just means I need to come back soon. :)
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